Sunday, May 5, 2013


Okay, so I've recently read the book The four-hour workweek, which is an amazing book that I highly recommend reading. One of the things you do is write down a list of things you would want to do in the next 6 months if you had unlimited free time and a million dollars. One thing I wrote down was to go sailing, and I realized that was something I really wanted to try doing. 

So I looked it up and found this Boat and Yacht club that was having an open day where anyone could go try sailing for free! So awesome! : D 

I went with Liz and Mike Saylor from my branch. Unfortunately Mike was feeling pretty sick at first so Liz and I just went out with this awesome kid named Garrett. 

He's 17 but he's been living in China for the last 11 years!

Sailing is AMAZING! I couldn't believe how much I loved it. It was especially fun when I got to take over and I realized that it really wan't that easy. haha. When the wind starts to pick up you can really get some speed and tip the boat! haha. 

I was also so happy to finally understand how it works! I just didn't get it before. 

Sailing is officially my favorite way to get around on the water. You don't have the noise of an engine, and you don't get so tired like when you have to paddle. It's the best!

I also learned that you can get a decent used sailboat for just $500! It's totally not that expensive to get into. 

After we got done sailing there was too much wind to go out again (bummer). But there was a scavenger hunt that the club had set up for the participants that day (about 60). 

The scavenger hunt seemed really tedious at first (How many steps on the rainbow bridge: 80, How many cables holding up the flagpole at the end of the campsite: 8, how many levels on the white pagodas in the boat yard: 20), but it actually ended up being super fun (How it was so fun: good company).

Mike on the rainbow bridge

In the end we got 17 of the 20 questions right!! The closest anyone else got to us was 6. 

IN other words, we dominated. 

They were only planning on one winner, so they had to track down 3 shirts!!

New Love: Sailing. Another love: Free t-shirts. 

I was so happy! What an incredibly perfect day. : )