Last week I went on one of my favorite hikes in the St. George area! (secret: all my hikes in the St. George area are my favorite hikes in the St. George area - there aren't that many I've been on)
Anyway, I went with my new friend Melanie to explore Kanarraville Falls! I know, how is it exploring if we've both been on the hike before? Well, the great thing about this hike is that there are tons of options for taking short side trips and the hike also just keeps going and going and going as long as you want to! Haha.
The hike starts with a nice welcoming sign.
Pretty quickly you get to some beautiful scenery! This is me freezing for a picture to make sure it doesn't come out blurry.
Lunch! The weather was basically perfect up until this point, and we found a nice rock to sit on and enjoy lunch.
This is me attempting to climb a tree. I promise I would look way cooler but a couple weeks ago I crashed on my longboard and kind of messed up my right arm/shoulder. That made straddling the tree as I made my way up that much harder.
Melanie was a good friend and said she wouldn't look as I inched my way up....but I guess the camera had no problem watching! Fortunately I don't think she knew how to put it on 'video' mode.
Okay, this place was sweet. You probably can't tell from the photo though. So we totally climbed up this random...I guess you would call it a crack or something. Anyway, it was super cool and we actually made it up pretty far! To get to the point where we are in this photo I basically had to do the splits trying to come up. I think Melanie pointed out a couple times that coming down is the harder part.
Again, hard to capture the whole scene, but this is her face of concern as she tries to figure out how to get down from that ledge. It actually wouldn't be too hard if she was willing to land into a puddle of stagnant water. I'm guessing she would've been pretty okay with that - considering we saw some other water that looked like it had leeches and she stuck her finger in - but I think to spare me from the splash she figured out another way down.
When we began to head back it started raining!! It might be hard to see, but there is a bird in this photo. He was awesome!! It was like he was our guide bird because he kept flying just a little bit in front of us. It was funny because he seemed to want us to hurry, which seemed like a good idea in case the rain picked up and there were flash floods or something.
The falls!!
The other falls!!
Hanging out.
Jump photo!!
Jump fail.
Haha, okay, I had to include that photo so you could see that the timing was wrong for me too... We actually got a great jump photo later on my phone!
I'll try to add it later.
Anyway, the hike worked out perfectly! The rain really picked up right after we finished, and we were really happy to be out of the canyon.
Overall, a very fun hike. I love this hike, but I think it's because I always do it with really cool people! Last time I was with Justin Decker, Auston Hafen, and Kenny Hart.
This week: Hawaii! I'll try to take lots of photos and have a good blog post on that. : )
Okay, I got the photo:
(Melanie said I could only post it if I photoshopped it so her stomach wasn't showing)