Startin' our day off right! A dozen donuts. I think I ate the majority of them myself.
We met up with my buddy Cedric from BYU-Hawaii, and his girlfriend Brianna. Cedric recently got his mission call to Portugal!
We were trying to spot a moose all day! Lia found one.
Yep, it was pretty exciting to see me I guess. haha.
Look at this glacier!!! Okay, you'll get a better view soon, but this is the Matanuska glacier, and it is incredible!
Trying to jump the glacier.
The trail to the glacier was pretty awesome. They had these planks out so you wouldn't have to step in the silt.
In this photo you can see Lia's shoes. She totally wasn't prepared for this, so I had to carry her part of the way.
I think in the background they might be making me take a kissing photo of them. ew.
Me and Cedric!! and the glacier!!
We totally dominated the glacier.
I know, I'm always helping people take photos.
Look! We are pretending to be so happy! haha, I think I really was so happy, and Lia really was pretending. It's because I love hugs, so I was happy, and Lia hates when I hug her, so she just had to smile for the photo.
Silt! It looks just like a rock, but your foot sinks right in it!
I loved the water. It was like a really cool screen saver.
I totally wish I had a kayak or a raft, or a paddle board with me to go row around in the water.
Brianna accidentally stepped on the silt, so Cedric rescued her...and he stepped in it himself!! That silt sure is tricky.
Saying goodbye to Cedric. Cya in Hawaii!
The town Cedric is from (Palmer) is famous for having the biggest vegetables in the world!!

People were getting ready for the state fair that was starting the next day.
Uncle Glenn's name spelled write.
Friend from Fontucky at the Anchorage museum.
I'm not into modern art, unless you can climb on it.
Lia; what a rebel.
This moose smelled like poop.
Anyway, we had a great Alaska trip, but we'll definitely have to go back again. It's the perfect place to visit in the summer to cool off, but I'll have to return some winter to see the northern lights!