Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shanghai (上海) District Conference


I had on caps lock by accident, but then it seemed quite appropriate. 

So we met up with a ton of other Young Single Adults (maybe...50), and then split into different groups. 

I went with the group that was going to the museum and then tai chi! 

I couldn't believe it, but I ran into Caroline from BYU-Hawaii!! She is living here with  her parents (and holding the umbrella in the photo)

Jesse (the guy on the far left of the photo) and I wanted to see something BIG in the museum. I was excited when I looked towards the jade section because there was this huge stone!! 

..then it turned out it was just a sign about the exhibit. . . Basically the biggest thing I found in the museum was this turtle:

We had a really legit Tai Chi instructor. I was disctracted though because::::::::

I ran into Mason Run Through and his wife Jenna!!! I'm friends with Mason from Pine View High School! I mean, sure, when I ran into Caroline I was happy and surprised, but I had actually just forgotten that she was here in China. Mason I haven't seen in years and I could hardly believe it was really him! So fun. 

Me, Audie (from New Zealand), and Jesse (from Georgia, RM from Peru)

These guys are both super cool and I really enjoyed talking to them. 

I want a wall like this in my house. 

This is an interesting/annoying bridge. hahaha. It keeps going back and forth at 90-degree angles so that evil spirits can't cross it. 

All the meetings were awesome. It was really an amazing weekend and very spiritual. I loved the stories and testimonies shared at district conference and I'm grateful to be associated with such wonderful people. 

Now,,,,,,back to work! 

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