Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Italy Day 5 - Roma (day 1)

Today we leisurely traveled from Pisa down to Rome. We took the slower train that runs along the coastline and saw a lot of beautiful scenery. It also happens to be about half the price of the fast train, so that worked out really well. haha. 

In the morning before we left Pisa we ran into the Anziani!! We were excited to finally run into some this trip, so we called out to them. They weren't in a rush to be everywhere so we treated them to ice cream and learned a little about the Milan mission. 

Mom washing grapes in the water fountain.

Dad likes to play with his food..

In Rome we booked a room in an old convent. They call it the "Casa di accoglienza delle piccole suore" roughly translated that's the "Shelter of the little nuns"
All the nuns there really were little!! The one that showed us our room is in the picture with me. She's super old, she's from Venezia, he name is Suora Miglia, and she took her time explaining everything to me in great detail. 

Street market!

Although it looks like this column is leaning, it's actually just the angle of the photograph and my pose that are reminding you of the leaning tower of Pisa. 

I think this may be the best little mermaid pose I've done yet. It helps that Triton is in the background. 

Some weird statue that I guess is famous. 

End of the night! We had a good, chill day. Those are the Spanish Steps behind us, a popular hang out point for just about everyone who comes to Rome. 

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