Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Italy Day 6 - Rome (day 2)

Sunday!! Today was exciting because I was able to go back to Roma 2, the ward I served in for about 7 months. Unfortunately the ward split, but I was surprised with how many people I still knew there and how fun it was to see them all. 

Outside our convent

Every last Sunday of the month the Vatican Museums (which are right outside our apartment) are free. Needless to say, the line was cRaZy. 

To get to church we took the 90. I love this bus. It was hard to not start talking to random people on the bus about the church because that's what I'm so used to doing on the 90! I love it. Of course, without Anziano Garvin with me it wouldn't be the same. 

Anziano Visintin is serving in Roma 2!! I was super stoked to see him. He was serving in Terni while I was in Roma 2 towards the end of my mission. He is a stud and I'm glad that he's serving in that ward. Next time I see him I hope to go visit him in Trieste (northerneastern Italy). 

Fratello Canzachi took us to go see the temple site!!! I can't believe how HUGE it is now! I'm super super excited about the progress that's been made. I remember when I was on my mission and we would go look at the big hole where they were laying the foundation! It's really a miracle that we're getting a temple in Italy. : )

I love it!

This picture is actually from Pisa. Someone launched a latern as we walked by. It seemed insignificant at the time....until we found it in Rome!!!!

Woohoo! : D

A delicious Kebab. : ) Italy is great because it has two of my four favorite foods in the world: Pizza and Kebabs. America is also great because it has the other two: IN-N-OUT hamburgers, and Clam chowder in a Boudin bread bowl. I know America has pizza too, but it's just not the same. My favorite Kebabs are actually from Sydney, but my second favorite definitely comes from Italy. 

We tried to visit Sorella Misseri but she wasn't home!

We also went by my old apartment!

And we made it to the Iaconiannis!!! I love that family. They offered us refreshing granitas, and we had a really nice visit with them. It was funny because they totally want to get out of Italy, and I'm dying to get in! Of course, I think it's different having a family here. 

They are awesome!

We had another fun and successful day in Rome. : ) It's a pretty cool city. 

1 comment:

  1. Well you should probably go to Istanbul since that is where kebabs are from. They are the best there.

    I still like the falafel in Jerusalem the best though.
